Feeling a bit Crabby

Another bout of the mystery stomach upset losing more sleep, but at least I got some more painting done.

Giant Crab soldier for frost grave Gohost Archipelago.

Now I grew up near Poole harbour and my family had a shipping boat, so one time I was taken there as a 7 year old to pick up some crabs. So 1970’s in the back of the car with my grandparents I was left with a box of dinner plate sized crabs in a box…they were ALIVE.

They were trying to get out, so a 7 year old was poking them back in to the open topped box.

Never had crab paste since.

Talking bull…

One Dragon Bull, I had this resin model pinned together by Richard – its’ a great model

A very large beastie !

Now I need to paint up some of the actual heritors and crew.

The Howling Half Breed

Second game/scenario followed on after lunch, and was the second of this three part campaign.

As the title suggests it had a monster in it, one that was particularly tough.

I’d brought along one of my Citadel Barrow Wights as a stand in, as Alan only has a case or two of figures unlike some loony…

Old Mother Parma and co move up to as convenient ruin. M<y markswoman has a magic X-bow (found on the first game) so very useful to shoot at the Half Breed which can only be damaged by magic and magic weapons.

Tipstaff (Alan) did the tried and trusted telekinesis to steal MY treasure, so I dumped a wall of fog there to block LOS.

Things then hotted up, Tipstaff dropped a Walkl between him and the Half-Breed which meant my wizard Old Mother Parma was the target for the creature. At the same time, two giant rats and a ghoul popped up behind me and zeroed in on a treasure hunter at the base of the stairs. Oh and then the half breed moved in. The Ghoul and first giant rat were dispensed with.

Only for the second giant rat to defeat the treasure hunter !

In the mean time Tipstaff’s thieves were cleaning up.

Old Mother Parma and Henrietta Quaadaloop were busy bone darting the half-breed.

Typical sequence was:
– can I target the creature – yes ! Hooray !
– can I cast the spell ? Yes ! Hooray !
– can I hit and wound…NO…

This meant Tipstaff got off lightly.

Our main interaction was a tense fight between us on the flank where we both lost our war hounds, and then I lost a treasure hunter and my Captain (now named Starbuck [BSG]).

To add to my misery, the Markswoman managed to get bitten to death on her foot by the giant rat.

By this point Tipstaff and Parma had cleared by the treasure and we all had to clear off, the Half-Breed having resisted at least 3 volleys of X-bow bolts and bone darts. Down to 3 Health so I very nearly got that tempting 50XP b ut not quite.

On to the next scenario…

(and int he meantime, I’ll pillage the back log of pictures of games.)

FG: The Lair of the Crow Mage

Alan and I had a game Wednesday: old Mother Parma vs Tipstaff in our ongoing campaign and we moved on to this scenario.

The scenario gave rules that meant you had to get into the central ruin so only a turn or two in we started conjuring magical walls and fog.

We expected the game to be short as the trees around the central ruins were inhabited by crows who attacked you – triggered if you moved and in the first turn that really hampered us. However, we were persistent and carried on regardless.

It started off so well – Old Mother Parma got into the ruins to find the shards of darkness.

Unfortunately Tipstaff’s mindless minions did too.

A ferocious fight broke out and Parma’s crew came off worse, ending with an elemental ball wounding herself and two of the crew.

Followed up an assault on the old lady by Barbarians and other ne’er do wells.

A desperate rearguard action also failed.

And they even caught my fleeing thug with the treasure – 1:5 in Tipstaff’s favour !

Werefox & Coalman

And then I had an IT meltdown…

However, I have been painting stuff, and here is a Citadel Werefox and a Coal-Man.

Never seen one of the Werefoxes painted before and only ever seen it once on e-pbassy when I bought it.

So this was speculative…did basic reddish coat with a cream and white underbelly.

Coal man was much simpler, pinned together by Richard for me.

I used a black/grey base of flock and dead grass to indicate this was NOT a healthy inDUHvidual.

Two of these beasties done already as the scenario requires four of them !