Amazon with Light Sabre

Collected some repairs and conversions today, amongst which was…

A C30 Amazon with Light Sabre.

As you can see from the one on the right, the original club/blowpipe (opinion is divided) is subject to damage given the age of the figures and the softer metal used back then.

The light sabre is a repair – brass rod with hollow red plastic sleeve.

I am very tempted to keep it like that as a “Power Sword” which as some may remember was an option in WHFB’s (2nd Edition) huge table of magic weapons.

Focused (2)

These are the figures I ran out of light for, and missed some highlights.

Ghouls for Ghost Archipelago

Another Treasure Hunter, a Citadel Cleric in this case.

She comes with a shiny shield.

Citadel Chaos Thug, a cultist barbarian, an iconic pose. For some reason his face seems different in the photo so might have to retouch it tomorrow.

Complete with decomposing head ! Lovely.

Alternative Armies wrecked cart. Conversely this looks better in the photo than in real life. Something has not clicked for me with this sculpt which is great.

Never mind, I have two more to do so maybe I’ll be happy 1

Next up another game of Ghost Archipelago.

And then some female cultists.

Focused (1)

.Right well as ever it never went as well as I’d thought, but here are 4 figures painted / finished in one day.

Another Treasure Hunter.

Again laden with stuff.

For some reason the lantern hasn’t come out well as it is more yellow than that !

Marvo, Shazzamm’s Apprentice. Another Citadel Cleric.

I chose them because their staffs were the same.

Another Captain, again a Foundry (ex Citadel) Medieval type.

The large shield is again a chance to paint with bright colours to break up the endless browns and silver !

A quickie – an old Citadel Night Horrors figure base painted by a friend (Joe) and then washed and highlighted by me today. Suitable for AVBCW, as he is toting a shotgun.

More to come, those that didn’t make the grade before the light was gone !


Back when I started this blog, I said it wasn’t going to be a day by day account of how many times I’d been to the toilet and what I’d eaten, and hopefully I’ve kept to that. That said, yesterday and today are going to be a bit of a micro management exercise. I have a game lined up for tomorrow (Monday) so as an exercise in how this can focus your braincell on getting some figures painted (of which precious few have been done recently) here’s a couple of posts…

here’s the tabletop that needs clearing. A couple of dozen figures and thrice that if paint pots.

This did provoke me yesterday (Saturday) to finish off two of the blighters that have sat there 90% done for the last fortnight.

First off a treasure Hunter, she’s been done for some time

Lots of gear on her, and for some reason I have equipped or chosen all the treasure hunters, to have lanterns. Don’t know why, but it helps them stand out from the thieves and thugs on the tabletop I suppose

Then a gaudy knight, again a Foundry (ex citadel) Medieval figure. It gives me an excuse to break out some “colour”.

Very simple and easy to paint.

Two down at least half a dozen to go !
Let’s see how many i can do…