FG 2018 08 31: The Battle on the River

The second game Alan and I played over a fortnight ago ! A freezer meltdown delayed me, but here we go !

KIY’s war band got ready.

Hashpot Dribbleweed’s war band were on the other side of the frozen river.

Now at this point, I will point out there was a difference of 20 levels between KIY and Hashpot. But even that doesn’t really explain the rapid casualty rate of Hashpot’s minions.

A conjured Imp, saw off the Warhound and closed in on Hashpot.

An Ice Spider turned up.

The bear saw off the ice spider, but not the Rangers, and the Minor Demon who mobbed the Treasure Hunter of Hashpot’s war band.

The Liche Lord’s minion emerged from the central boat !

Oops, Hashpot’s Apprentice is down !

My Captain and his Captain went head to head, and Dr Archer cynically offered a healing potion.

The Treasure Hunter went down as did the bear as they were mobbed.

Meanwhile, a lucky 20 (apparently I can roll them) took out the Liche Lord’s minion.

A few Planar tear’s later and the Imps, and Minor Demons were gone.

By the end, Hashpot escaped with three of his war band.

For once, a victory at Alan’s house.

Ruinous Prevarication

Ok, whilst busy with the house purchase, I have also been prevaricating about editing all the photos of the last game Alan and I played week before last. So after a cancelled meeting today have decided to pull my finger out as I have two more game AARs to write up from this week, and need them out the way before I have a games session with Jon next week !

In the meantime I have been busy painting…

A jungle terrace from Blotz, though I can’t see why it can’t be used for Frostgrave or Mordheim.

The steps are separate pieces so you can move them to different sides or omit them. easy to put together and only £5 IIRC.

I’ve used so much of the grey paint I’ve had to get another tester pot done up by B&Q.

Mantic Terrain Crate treasure pile painted silver rather than gold – I intend to make it a query of “Is it Silver, or Platinum ?”.

Renedra Frostgrave ruins, I bought 3 of the spurs to bulk out an order.

The main archway. The kits are nice and chunky, being very thick (about 1cm+).

The other two items. Not going to set the world alight, but still very useful items, so if you’re getting bases from Renadra, I’d “accidentally” include a few of these sprues.

Now back to finishing off the cultists I painted, yup another war band is in the throes of formation.

FG 2018 08 31: Total Eclipse

Aland and I had another games session and we moved on to the Thaw of the Liche Lord to provide some difference.

It was Rinsesoap Washbag vs Shazamm! (the Mighty).

Shazzam’s warband

Rinseoap’s war band with the inevitable bear – always turns up. I should never have sold Alan that model.

The inevitable Telekeniss spell moved the treasure out of my grasp as I moved my band forward.

And when treasure wa picked up, you can guess where the wandering Minor Demon turned up. Yup, right behind me.

The inevitable fate of all war hounds. My ranger and the hound had moved forward to menace Rinsesoap and gain a treasure.

Deja Vu – another treasure hunter goes down !

The Templar did at least kill the Minor Demon.

As my nattily attired their and Tunnel Fighter legged it with some loot.

Meanwhile Rinsesoap’s Archer and Intfantryman were flanking me.

Whilst playing mind games and stealing my treasure.

The Templar meanwhile was covering Shazzam’s strategic withdrawal, and another war hound went down.

A mind controlled archer, attacked Rinsesoap, only to be defeated.

The Templar was defeated by the `barbarian and Infatnryman

But not before a mind controlled bear had been set upon Rinsesoap by Shazam !

I scooted the rest of my war band off, leaving the bear to be downed by the rest of Rinsesoap’s war band – as Alan commented, he had to kill more of his war band than I did !

Result – he won, but at least this time I escaped with three treasure chests.

The Total Eclipse happened, so we each got the extra 50XP as well.

On to the second scenario…

Stairways to Heaven (and more)

As used in the Walenton Manor scenario, here are the stairways used.

They are by Blotz.

MDF, easy to put together and cheap.

I have done stairways using balsa but these seemed an easy option.

Painted the usual grey, weathered with brown and green to represent dirty footprints, and then highlighted light grey at the edges for definition.

I hadn’t got round to the highlights in time for the Walenton Manor game.

Candles on stands, from the Mantic Wizard’s library set.

A pile of treasure chests and scrolls, again by Mantic.

And finally, a very long awaited finished version ion the Northstar Lectern.

And yet another double;e height bookcase…two Mantic bookcases glued together. That’ll make a good place to put a treasure and make adventurers climb for their loot !

FG 2018 08 22 Walenton Manor

The second game Aklan and I played, from the Arcane Locations scenarios in the Frostgrave Folio.

This required two tables to represent the cellar and upper floor of the manor.

The upper floor

The cellar, with Kenny & Criag’s war band deployed.

There were four staircases (a forthcoming post) which move randomly, and were linked to exit points (trapdoors) on the upper floor.

Reveal Secret ! Only Alan’s lot went after it as well (boo-hiss).

Climbing up the staircase, Craig the Apprentice got zapped with a bone dart by Alan’s pesky Wizard.

You can see where this game was going…

The thug and war hound moved forward to confront he enemy Captain, with fatal consequences.

On both sides !

Meanwhile, Kenny had managed to get topsides with his Apothecary in tow. Unfortunately, so had the enemy and Alan’s obligatory Bear and sidekick had also…

My thieves were busy carrying off the loot, but the enemy war hound got in the way, briefly !

Two more casualties for me.

At this point it was a case of FLEE !

I got away with two treasures and precious little else.

Over in an hour.