Feeling a bit Crabby

Another bout of the mystery stomach upset losing more sleep, but at least I got some more painting done.

Giant Crab soldier for frost grave Gohost Archipelago.

Now I grew up near Poole harbour and my family had a shipping boat, so one time I was taken there as a 7 year old to pick up some crabs. So 1970’s in the back of the car with my grandparents I was left with a box of dinner plate sized crabs in a box…they were ALIVE.

They were trying to get out, so a 7 year old was poking them back in to the open topped box.

Never had crab paste since.

Talking bull…

One Dragon Bull, I had this resin model pinned together by Richard – its’ a great model

A very large beastie !

Now I need to paint up some of the actual heritors and crew.

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