I’ve churned out a fair number of BUF sections, but, much like the Brigands, have shied away from the more inDUHvidual HQ types for my BUF. AS both Byakhee Richard & I are playing BUF forces this has to be rectified by the 20th.

Here they are, they’ve been part painted and bounced around a figure case for a couple of years. Mostly Artizan, Copplestone and Great War miniatures.

This one is an Empress SCW figure I bought off of Mort, who had converted it with the usual Britsih steel helmet. The paint job is/was fine, but the base was too small and the overall scheme of things didn’t fit in with the rest of my figures. Plus there were a few chips to the paint. So I started with him as a quick and simple spruce up.

New base, and new flock etc. This is one key way an army or force hangs together as a coherent whole.

Add a few highlights, and make the helmet look metallic – simple method, mix black with some Boltgun metal so it just looks a bit shiney.


Looks better “in the metal”, honest guv !

One down, half a dozen to go…

AVBCW: The Wyvern Wanderers

At last – the Wyvern Wanderers, brigands and ne’er do wells the lot of them. I finished the last of them yesterday late afternoon, but the light/force was not with me, so here they photographed in their entirity today.

Lead by John Warner*, the brigands operate out of Druggers End and Castlemorton common south of Malvern and the Hereford beacon.

This was the source of the first game Byakhee JP and I ever played some 5 years ago.

Now all I need is to weather a few trucks for them to smuggle their goods on !
(Models of yesteryear here I come, though I think I have a couple ready)

It’s taken me most of June, July, August & September to paint 26 of these figures. Not an awesome rate of painting, but they are finally done, and now packed into a comfy foam tray. Every single one of them was a unique pose and paint job.

In the meantime I have also been tinkering with a few other bits and bobs, some seen already, and another couple coming over the next few days finbgers crossed. Maybe now I will reclaim the kitchen table. 😉

* John Warner, father-in-law of Byakhee Gav A who unfortunately died at the August bank holiday unexpectedly.

Beware the (Ral Partha) Jabberwock, my son!

My first re-blog, but a useful reminder be careful of buying some golden oldies that are still available.

Hobgoblin Orange

Jabberwocky is of course a nonsense poem by Lewis Carroll that appears in his 1871 novel ‘Through the Looking-Glass’. More importantly though is Sir John Tenniel’s original illustration that appeared in Carroll’s novel.


The two Jabberwock sculpts made by Ral Partha and Citadel in the 80s (the ‘rearing up’ Ral Partha sculpt and the ‘walking on all fours’ version by Citadel) faithfully follow Tenniel’s drawing in pretty much every detail except the vest. I suspect the Jabberwock made it into early Fantasy RPGs/Wargaming entirely due to this picture. Had the Bandersnatch or Jubjub bird been illustrated by Tenniel in such a manner maybe they would have made it into miniature form too.

The Citadel version is less dynamic than the Ral Partha sculpt but it still has charm. It’s been OOP for a few years now but you can still find used ones on eBay occasionally, usually for sensible prices…

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AVBCW: Brigands – Last of the troopers


The last of the troopers from the two units are done.

The two bombers and two HQ staff are next to be finished, and then I’ll pst a complete force picture.

Progress has also been made on a couple more items, and I’m working up a list of things that need to be painted for the 20th october – our next Big Game.

ACBCW: Brigands – Jayne Cobb

Fittingly, as it is International Talk Like A Pirate Day (hint), I have photographed one of the Brigands, who makes more than a good example of Jayne Cobb for AVBCW.

A Brigand with LMG (Lewis gun).

The cunning amongst you will immediately recognise where my reference for this figure is coming from.

It’s given away by the ludicrous hat he’s wearing, in particular the jarring red and yellowy orange knitted nature of it.

The Lewis Gun, is of course, called Veera.

If you haven’t watched Firefly or the film spin off Serenity, do so now.

Shiney !

The last Brigands are being finished off and you will see shortly, how incongruous the hat ends up. 😉

Talk like a Pirate Day

Just a reminder.

How to talk like a pirate.

AVBCW: Brigands 2

Some more Brigands have finally been photo’d:

Weaselly Wretches by Mutton Chop Miniatures, available from Empress Miniatures.

Nice two man team set.

Some of the close combat unit, two shotguns and a pistol toting brigand.

Some more fiflemen – sorry not a good photo.

More to follow.