BoB Big Game 31st May 2014

Here are the resources for the game on the 31st May.

First and foremost are the “WTRW V1?” Rules. As written by Mort based on Ook’s WTDW rules.

A WTRW Play Sheet.

Most importantly, BoB 2014 05 31 Catering v1-2.

The Plot (?)

It is 1918, following on from the last Big Game where the Whites fought a ferocious battle with: Germans; Turks; and their nominal allies the Reds and associated henchmen, the Don Cossacks – word has now reached the various groupings that an armoured train is steaming into the region with a number of important White dignatories. It is important for the Central Powers, and hence their lackeys, to stop the train. Spies indicate that the train is heading for Важно полустанке, a large village held by the Whites. Interventionist forces are also heading to the region from Baku, in order to meet with the White dignatories to confirm their intentions. They have arrived in Важно полустанке, and will seek to thwart any attempt to dislodge them from the village.

Both tables will be 10×6′.

Scenario/Table 1 – The Village

The Central Powers forces have to assault the outskirts of the village. The Whites have not had time to dig in very much. A preliminary bombardment has reduced one section to ruins.

In order to seize the village, by the end of the game, the Central Powers and allied forces must hold 2/3rds of the buildings. White and Interventionist forces must hold 2/3rds of the buildings in order to win.

  • Mort – “Whites”
  • J – Interventionists
  • Roo – Reds
  • Nick – Reds

The Whites are defending, and may deploy anywhere within the village, but not outside it. The Reds are attacking, and may deploy up to 12 inches in from their table edge.

Defensive forces are deployed first, with each of their players holding one Infantry unit back. Attackers then deploy all their forces. The defenders may then deploy their final unit(s) anywhere within the village, or may elect to hold them back still further – if they do so they come on on the turn of their choosing, but on their table edge.

Scenario/Table 2 – The Steppe Railway

Some headstrong commanders have taken it upon themselves to try and attack the train en route. There is a section of track with some rocky outcrops and scrub that offers a small opportunity to ambush the train. The commanders are rushing their forces to this section a couple of miles outside of Важно полустанке, but due to vigilant White patrols there is no chance of booby trapping or otherwise sabotaging the rail track – its going to be a head on assault of the train as it starts slowing down as it nears it’s destination.

In order to win, the Turks and allies must stop or significantly damage the train (12+ points of damage – see the rules). IF a unit gets to the tracks, they may carry out some form of ad-hoc sabotage. This takes a turn during which the unit may do nothing more (no movement, no shooting etc). During this turn the unit is at +1 to hit as they are busy. After this they can bug out, and on a roll of 4, 5, or 6 (on a d6) if/when the train rolls over that location the leading element of the train is destroyed (3 points of damage), and on a roll of 6 the train is derailed and halted.

In order to win the Whites must ensure the train gets from one end of the board to the next as shown by the Umpire on the day.

  • Matt – Turks
  • Richard – Don Cossacks
  • Gavin – Whites
  • Rob – Kuban Cossacks

Defensive forces are deployed first, with each of their players holding one Infantry unit back. Attackers then deploy all their forces. The defenders may then deploy their final unit(s) anywhere within their deployment zone, or may elect to hold them back still further – if they do so they come on on the turn of their choosing, but on their table edge.

The Whites deploy along a specified section of the table, as shown by the Umpire on the day – nominally a 2×3 section.
The Kuban Cossacks deploy on their edge of the table board up to 6 inches in.
The Turks may deploy 12 inches in from their table edge.
The Don Cossacks deploy on their edge of the table up to 6 inches in.

The Train, is deployed randomly at one end of the table. The player with the highest card rolls a d6 at the beginning of each turn. When it arrives, the first 18″ of the train are deployed, travelling at a speed of 12″. In the first turn it is deployed it makes no further move, but may shoot. The Train is controlled by the Umpire and is considered to be White.

On turn 2 – a roll of 1 indicates it has arrived.
On turn 3 – a roll of 1-2 (ditto)
On turn 4 – a roll of 1-3 (ditto)
On turn 5 – a roll of 1-4 (ditto)
On turn 6 – a roll of 1-5 (ditto
On turn 7 – it automatically arrives

One Response to BoB Big Game 31st May 2014

  1. Pingback: BoB Big Game 31st May – Once Upon A Time In The East | The Lost City of Carcosa

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