FG: 2018 08 01 The Library

Now I’ve only played this scenario once before with JP. But after the delivery of the Mantic terrain with lots of Library bookshelves, now was the time to have a re-run.

I hadn’t painted all the terrain I had, but I had enough to make a good fist of it.

I printed out and laminated the Frosgtrave dungeon tiles some time ago so these were deployed as well and arranged to break up the board a bit.

I also dug out some very old Citadel and metal Magic dungeon furniture I’d never used before.

This time it ws Silas crow vs my Soothsayer Kenny (and his sidekick Craig – I must think of better names).

First round, and Silas’ crossbowman scores a critical on Criag the Apprentice. Dead.

As I commented: “Pity, he was the one with the Potion of Invulnerability”.

Yes, you can see where this is going.


I mobbed the “reveal Secret” treasure, and hoped to push forward to the next one (upper left of the photo).

My Archer returned the compliment in the next round, killing Silas’ Crossbowman.

My Ranger who had had “Fleet Feet” cast on him nabbed the treasure and headed for the exit doorway.

My war hound made a suicde run at the barbarian and promptly got killed.

In picking up my third piece of treasure, I triggered a wandering monster.

There were no XP for where that turned up, yup at my entrance doorway, just as my thug arrived carrying my first treasure.

AsAlan commented, this was a story of woe he could not have written.

The only upside was another good shot from my Archer, as he, the Ranger and Thug retreated with treasure towards the exit doorway.

My attempts to half hinch the third treasure were not going well as a bear, infantryman, archer and minor demon of Silas’ moved in.

And then Kenny and the Apothecary were attacked by Silas’ war hound but fortunately despatched the slavering hound.

So with full retreat underway, my thief got bone darted in the back by Silas’ diminutive assistant.

But my parting shot, literally, was my Archer killing the wounded bear.

After that I fled the battle field.

All in all, the day was like Planet 9 from Outer Space. So bad it was funny.

At least this second scenario netted Kenny two treasures and two level increases.

My luck can only increase from such a low level.

(Famour last words)

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