FG: 2018 08 01 The Mausoleum

A trip to Aland & Rita’s for a game. We were using low level war bands, and as I was brining scenery I prepared for it the day before. Or so I thought.

Alan had set up before I arrived, I chose to start on the right, he on the left.

Shazam!’s war band. Off to the left was a Thief and a Thug.

Silas Crow’s set up. At this point, Alan had not set his hopes high as his previous outing had been “not very good”.

After casting Fools Gold (failing Reveal Secret), Shazaam! his Apothecary and Tunnel Fighter mobbed the first skeleton and won. So far so good. It was not to last.

Silas used Telekenesis (Alan’s favourite spell I think) to move one of my treasures away from me, so I chased after it sending the war hound forward only for it to be shot down by an archer.

Marvo the Apprentice, and a thug dealt with the first skeleton that came out of the Mausoleum.

Only this meant they were jumped on by Silas’ war hound, and then the next skeleton which popped up behind them.

Apprentice down !

On the other side, things were also not going well, the Treasure Hunter went down, the bear jumped my Tunnel Fighter and shortly my thief encountered another skeleton !

Thief and Thug grabbed some treasure, which triggered a wandering monster to appear…next to them.

The pipe cleaner ice Spider was dispatched but by now I was running low on minions, and lower on treasure.

A swirling melee erupted.

My only consolation, Silas summoned an Imp that promptly attacked one of his own minions, not that it helped me as my Thief went down, leaving the Apothecary facing off against a bear and thief.

Shazzam! made himself scarce with ZERO treasure !

Now I’d been thinking I should have a Captain, but it wasn’t on the print out I had with me so played it straight. On my return later that afternoon, I found I did in fact have a Captain. So his wages were docked, and the “set print area” for the spreadsheet got amended pronto.

Every single one of my minions were down and out. So I grimly sat there and rolled the dice….15+ on every single roll except for the war hound who dies ( a 1). If only I’d had that sort of dice rolling in game.

So Shazzam! ended up poorer after that game, and due to lousy dice rolls, gained only one level of XP.

On to the next game, which was even worse.

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