Ghost Archipelago: The Abandoned Tower (Part One)

On one hand I can’t believe it’s been five days since an update, but on the other hand and on reflection I can. I had to chair a council meeting with 53 angry parishioners.

So, Jim’s suggestion of a gaming session was very timely once I’d slept off that event.

Rather than a simple head to head, I managed to find a scenario we had scenery and monsters for. The Abandoned Tower.(p110 off the GA rulebook)

Our combined scenery.

Jim continues to have a painted war band whilst mine of embarrassingly in indecent states of undauntedness. I am finishing off the normal Frostgrave stuff still. That’s my excuse and I am sticking to it.

My deployment was aimed at getting this item of treasure, along with the central one.

As my A Team approached the tower, one of the giant snakes moved forward. Jim has an extensive collection of cheap kid’s toys that double up for our games as perilous foes, so he chose both a giant snake model and this centipede model.

My Heritor and her crew mobbed the giant snake, and she killed it (more XP)

Whilst my Warden cast “Brambles” to keep the enemy at bay.

Jim’s Warden played the inevitable card of summoning wandering monsters and throughout the game managed to have them pop up behind my war band.

This one was an Erithrean, whose write up is a bit vague and we couldn’t find any FAQ via his smart phone. I resisted the comment of calling it Jimbo (oops) s it was represented by a small elephant model.

Meanwhile, Jim’s forces (Doozlebat – his one and only name for leaders) and approached the tower and encountered the other giant snake, which was actually represented by a giant snake (!), and lost a crewman.

before the Warden and co mobbed it and killed it.

Meanwhile on the other side of the table, I had seized both target treasures and was trying to make a quick get away….

Then all went wrong, firstly for me, and then Jim…

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