AVBCW The Battle of Shobdon

The recently activated Red fifth column in the three counties (Gloucs, Hereford and Worcs) took up arms today in an effort to free their worker Comrades from the Fascist bully boys’ work camp in north Herefordshire at Shobdon. The camp was established to provide cheap labour from the BUF’s political prisoners.

Lead by the red hot commander Redhotovski and his female commisar Seewherethisfitski and her imposing standard, some fourty lightly armed reds attacked the camp at Shobdon.

The Camp, was defended by 30 BUF and local sympathisers, which sported motorcycle side cars combinations and an armoured car:

The Reds made a good start, with Redhotovski and his female commisar Seewherethisfitski repeatedly encouraging their troops forward in the face of heavy fire. They then deployed Rattling Rosie:

They almost drove off the Fascists, only for the Weasley Wretches to turn up, literally drunk on cider and fanatically defending their captive work force upon whom they’d been preying in collusion with the corrupt fascists and their running dog capitalist chums…Either that or the BUF (British Union of Fascists) had deployed a spy from the BUF (British Union of Felines):

Despite further re-inforcements the Reds were kept at bay until dusk fell, at which point the black clad hordes slunk away into the night…leaving the Reds now at large in north Herefordshire – who knows when they will next turn up ?

More photos here.

The Reds didn’t manage to liberate any prisoners, but they gave the fascists a good kicking, and I managed to deploy my female Bolshevik standard bearer after so many years left on the playroom window sill.

Another good game with Byakhee JP !

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