BoB: Big Game June 2013 book it now

A strangely appropriate location for a Back of Beyond game…

To be held on either 8-9th or 22-23rd June 2013.

Let me know by the end of February so I can organise stuff as this is the first Big Game for the Back of Beyond that has been organised I think.
Two possible scenarios depending on attendance:

– 1918 – the Don/Kuban – Germans, Reds, Whites and Cossacks
– 1920 – Tannu Tuva – Reds, Whites, Mongols and Chinese.

Let me know if you are interested, and what forces you can bring.

£10 per head which includes the cost of booking the hall, and lunch.
The lunch is enough to ruin any diet given this w/e’s experience !

As per other games sessions, a curry night hosted at my house just up the road is also on offer.
I am also able to offer a (double) bed, and couches if people want to stay over night.