BoB Big Game 2013 06 22: Part 1

Thursday night, and I get a call from one of the village hall committee members saying they’d be borrowing the tables for a party at their place, but the tables would be back Saturday morning.

They were back…just as my first guests arrived, so we had to do a quick effort to assemble and build the tables:

Table 1, replete with burnt out buildings.

Table 2: The village.

Much less cover than AVBCW.

With the help of the Byakhees and guests, we set up the tables in recd time and were gaming by just after 11am !

One of the house rules is to step away from the tables when people take photos, so we don’t get ‘crotch shots’..lots of nice terrain and figures with a wargamer’s crotch behind them.

On this occasion, we got a bottom shot:

Roo (top right)… 😉

More to follow as I edit the pictures.

One Response to BoB Big Game 2013 06 22: Part 1

  1. mark says:

    Excellent stuff, sorry I only found this blog/Lead Adventure article the other day, i live in mid wales and have lots of BOB figures, next time I’ll do my best to be there ! best wishes